- name: Update repo list (apt update) and upgrade instance (apt upgrade) become: yes ansible.builtin.apt: update_cache: yes - name: Upgrade the OS (apt dist-upgrade) become: yes ansible.builtin.apt: upgrade: dist - name: Install p7zip become: yes ansible.builtin.apt: name: p7zip update_cache: yes - name: Install jq become: yes ansible.builtin.apt: name: jq update_cache: yes # usually included in the default install, but we'll make sure just in case... - name: Install tmux become: yes ansible.builtin.apt: name: tmux update_cache: yes #- name: Install build-essential # become: yes # ansible.builtin.apt: # name: build-essential # update_cache: yes - name: Install nVidia CUDA keyring become: yes ansible.builtin.apt: deb: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/{{ ec2.os }}/x86_64/cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb - name: Install nVidia cuda-drivers become: yes ansible.builtin.apt: name: cuda-drivers update_cache: yes - name: Install nVidia cuda become: yes ansible.builtin.apt: name: cuda update_cache: yes - name: Copy hashcat_start script become: yes #ansible.builtin.copy: template: src: hashcat_start.j2 dest: /usr/local/bin/hashcat_start owner: root group: root mode: '0755' - name: Download latest goofys become: yes ansible.builtin.get_url: url: https://github.com/kahing/goofys/releases/latest/download/goofys dest: /usr/local/bin/goofys mode: '0755' - name: Create aws directory if it does not exist become: yes ansible.builtin.file: path: /root/.aws/ state: directory mode: '0755' - name: Copy AWS Credentials become: yes #ansible.builtin.copy: template: src: credentials.j2 dest: /root/.aws/credentials owner: root group: root mode: '0600' - name: Set up fstab become: yes lineinfile: dest: /etc/fstab line: '{{ item }}' with_items: - 'goofys#{{ s3.bucket_name }} {{ s3.mount_point }} fuse _netdev,allow_other,--file-mode=0660,--dir-mode=0770,--uid=1000,--gid=1000,--endpoint={{ s3.end_point }} 0 0' - name: Mount S3 bucket become: true command: mount /mnt #args: #warn: no - name: Copy .service become: true ansible.builtin.copy: src: hashcat-cloud.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/hashcat-cloud.service owner: root group: root mode: '0644' - name: Tell systemd to reread configs become: true ansible.builtin.systemd: daemon_reload: true - name: Enable .service become: true ansible.builtin.systemd: state: stopped enabled: true name: hashcat-cloud - name: Reboot! become: true ansible.builtin.reboot: